Kanish Bodhwani

Hey there 👀

I'm Kanish Bodhwani, a specialist in coding for both mobile and web applications, encompassing comprehensive design from the ground up.





Empowering business communication and growth

An AI-powered platform that helps business people to excell in saving time by providing features like email automation, AI powered bots and many more.

Industry Experience

Industries I've worked with





Welcome to Snapbase, an innovative and anonymous social media platform designed exclusively for Generation Z. Our app offers a dynamic array of features, including groups, personalized feeds, and a secure space for sharing thoughts and ideas without inhibition.

Behind the blob

I'm a 21-year-old developer based in India, passionate about creating solutions that enhance people's daily lives. As a tech enthusiast, I enjoy exploring and adopting new technologies. Currently pursuing my bachelor's in Computer Science, I'm a self-taught developer who thrives on continuous learning from online resources. A quick learner and a dedicated team player, I find joy in collaborating with diverse individuals.

Over the past few years, I have worked with various startups and communities and helped them in achiving their goals. I've built many products that solves real world problems. I am involved in many open source communities like Google Developer Student Clubs, Developer Student Clubs, Rocket chat, Alias, FOSS Overflow etc.

I'm currently working on a product called Snapbase. It's an anonymous social media platform for college students. It's a platform where students can share their thoughts and ideas without any fear. It's a platform where students can connect with other students and share their experiences with them. It's a platform where students can help each other in their day to day life. It's a platform where students can grow together.

I've also worked on a product called Synapse. It's an AI powered platform that helps business people to excell in saving time by providing features like email automation, AI powered bots and many more. I'm also a writer and love to write about my experiences and thoughts. I've written many articles on Medium and Hashnode. I'm also a speaker and love to speak about my experiences and thoughts.




A music dj kinda app with which you can make your own music beats.




A messaging app that helps you to connect with your friends and family and share your thoughts with them.


Design Project


A website for college community called falcons started by me and my friend to help students in learning, growing and connecting with each other.


Design Project


A website for college community called falcons started by me and my friend to help students in learning, growing and connecting with each other.


Contact me